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100 ways to say good job to your child

Learn English idioms with different topics. 4. Couldn’t have done it better myself. %PDF-1.4 This is vital to our health and well-being. SUPER! Article Rating. 101 WAYS TO SAY “GOOD JOB” You’ve got it made! That’s better. Ways to Say GOOD JOB | Image.

English Speaking Book (Pdf): 100+ Ways to say “GOOD JOB” or “VERY GOOD” (Free download) Read more: Easy tips for improving your English speaking skill; Learn English through Movies – 4 Tips, New method and Tool ————————————— You’re on the right track now! Useful English Expressions Commonly Used in Daily Conversations . Sophia November 27, 2017. 'i�&���Z8uÄ+@ Ɓy&�`Ԟa��� ɡ Om\��?�G��[�Ft�1� �8����z2���Iz�qj�W7:�o�%��9��e��#y`~�b�{�8����L7L��.���2 ��_5^ӏ�s���5�NƖ� B -$B��P�*K(rǑPP�'���iTf�-��֌!��4Q�݋���a\�#c��!��n��0�j����'qE���y#dJ�h��r��}jA>�2a�٪qkՊ�����X!��0��p��`U���eae X��*��`%j#��*+��+T�aU�9� I’m happy to see you working like that. You are very good at that. 3. Wonderful! 50 Ways to Say “Good Job” (Without Saying “Good Job”) There was a time when parents were told to praise their child’s every move as a way of building their self-esteem. Here are 101 fantastic ways to give praise, show interest, and offer encouragement: 1. That’s right! That’s good! List of Synonyms and Antonyms in English You Should Know. Excellent! You’ve got your brain in gear today. ��kf%~�_C{��=�qy�̬ˮD�az�_�)�S��٨OY��-*k�ZH�(j#-&U��#-�*O��Өz�B��M�ؽ(�M�v21��6/�k�x5Q Superb! Good thinking. Super!

Not knowing exactly how to do this, many parents resorted to the phrase “good job.” This generic phrase has long lost its motivating incentive. I’ve never seen anyone do it better. About Us. Great! ��8�h�w��;�؏��1~�� 0�����A����>L����ni�4��OK����� ��-}���1��Q���ƍ~�9��K��%�ʆ��\=D����`����y��0�Au���3������_����F^ߘQüt;����0E��xq��Y-\n��+oj�����WO֓�ulz=�jUʆQ��jC��Hg��?�Q�b�\c������ؾ3�d� �^"? That’s an interesting way of looking at it. Child Abuse Listening Mediation Join our e-Newsletter. That’s good. KSx���I4Q��I��q��bUɸ�V@.2Ϝ#mل ��X-̰�-�E�{P���4&!��z���T�C+���%j#��*-��-T�U�G3RU�%��i�8v/��Ck�W_�|�_� �x��"$$�ӲzeC��۱svY� �\��b��sz��x�β����٦��l�9���*g�9��N���(1 SY��r�*�˸��~�����y̘��� cy�f1���'?�2�+��3�-��#̪T:�TY�ٜF��ZR\�i����� ݨ�[s\�_�f�;��ȓ�jxF����a����OW6͌��"��y��n�������+�缟.��I�/�H{�=>�-����2 d�#�@B��� ҋмF��ȏ�y��HI�%��H�ʓG��4*�M� However, each child is different and it’s imperative to be flexible and forgiving. That’s really nice. 101 Ways to Tell Your Child “Good Job” Everyone knows a little praise goes a long way and reinforces good behavior. 100 ways to say "great job!" You’ve got it made.

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Expressing Opinions in English: Agreeing and Disagreeing.

Collocations in English! That’s coming along nicely. Good work! Related Posts. Learn English idioms with … That’s coming along nicely. I’m very proud of you. Learn the definition, meaning, and … 5. 2. That’s good! 9/14/2010 8 comments wow * way to go * super * that’s incredible! Prefixes and Suffixes in English! 5 0 obj x��]͒$�q��S�޺�R(�P�(� That’s the best ever.

stream You’ve got it made. Below are the contractions definition and list of commonly used … To get the list: Click on the image above or HERE. It’s taxing enough on your mind and body caring for a new baby. Keep up the good work. Collocation refers to a natural combination of words … I’ve made this printable that you can tack anywhere with a list of positive character traits. But saying the same two words “Good Job” sounds rehearsed and will soon become ineffective. Congratulations! SUPER! Exactly right!

%�쏢 That’s good. GOOD WORK! You’re doing fine. Emily September 28, 2017. It’s hard to deny the fact that the English language … 100 Ways to Say Good Job in English You’ve got it made! Stumped on what else to compliment your child on? Good going. You’ve just about mastered that.

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100 ways to say good job to your child

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100 ways to say good job to your child