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Best bait for mullet

The proprietor of this particular rig says he baits the hooks with small bits of white plastic worm or real earthworms, but his favorite bait was a bit of fat back bacon. Mostly black mullet swarm into estuaries up and down the Atlantic seaboard during the hot summer months, where these immigrating mullet grow and fatten. Membership is free but required in order to post to our forums, classifieds, reviews and photo gallery. I love catching Mullet. Catching mullet on a hook however, can be a lot of fun as well as productive. ive always caught them on Tommy Ruff pieces. I am sure that you will or have enjoyed our informative fishing articles and "How to pages". Whatever the reason, Mullet … Using an inexpensive Foraging primarily for algae, mullet have a habit of mouthing small tidbits floating around in the water.

The best bait for tarpon is a dead mullet with a circle hook placed in the front of the fish. And since mullet are more nibblers than eaters the float must be watched closely because when the float begins to move even the slightest the hook must be set. It’s good to mix the dough the night before and put it in the fridge to firm up the dough, however it is not essential.All you need is a small handline or light spinning outfit with 4-6lb line and a very small hook (No 10-12) with a small float (Piece of polystyrene) around 5 – 10 cm from the hook. The tail should be cut off and the fish filleted a few inches back on each side starting at the back of the fish. Saying that she never waste any time tying any type of special rig and rarely even takes time to bait the hooks. Mullet shoals are shy, crouch low, stay out sight and don’t make any loud noises as … Cutting the fish this way releases more scent into the water. Mullet have always been a target for cast netters.

One such rig was made with a swivel at the top, sinker at the bottom and dropper loop knots used to attach the hooks. Thank you again. Buy the best looking live baitfish they have and give it a go. Mullet have always been a target for cast netters. There are two main reasons for mullet fishing’s growing popularity. Some people eat them; some use them for bait, but for some, it’s the thrill of the chase to catch the big one and then letting it go to fight another day.

If they don't have any baitfish, use the next best thing, which is... 2. There is nothing more exhilarating than a 1kg Mullet stripping line off your reel.Mullet can be found in both Freshwater and Salt and there are a number of ways to catch them and I will be covering how to catch them on a handline or Rod and Reel and also catching them with a commercial trap and also what bait to use and how to make it.You can use either fresh bread from the bakery and just “squashed” onto the hook or you can make your own “Dough”. Most mullet fishing rigs are #2 or #3 hooks tied 8 to 10 inches apart along a fishing line with a float about 4 inches above the first hook and a sinker (or sinkers) attached near the bottom hook. Once you have found a good spot where you know there is mullet activity, it's time to toss the bait mix into the water.

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Best bait for mullet

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Best bait for mullet