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Maester Aemon ASoIaF

I would disagree though about Jon I think he knew who Jon was, my reasoning is that when you lose your sight apparently your other senses become stronger, just the way he did counsel Jon leads me to believe he knew he was Rhaegar's son & had done all he could with him, wanting to go to Dany seem's more about her already knowing she is part of the prophecy & needing someone trustworthy to guide her, after all she's on the other side of the world with a bunch of suck ups & no family she's still a child with weapons of mass destruction to play with.It's a fine lien they rule to serve and they serve to rule.But in the series and in real life unfortunately that's just not true most rulers serve themselves with the taxes from their subjects the build multiple palaces and luxurious homes and f~*k whoever they want f*#k.So yea i'd say if he wanted to serve he did the right thing.Aegon might maybe have asked the Citadel for permission, although we are not sure by what criteria they select the Maesters in the first place.there is a really good monologue that Pycelle delivers about that.

It's just it appears to me that the citadel serves the actual realm and not the crown. Especially since in hindsight he's proven to be right, since he managed to become the oldest man living in Westeros!He's said to be a books guy and Others were regarded as fairy tales until the very end, so I wouldn't blame him on that account.Aemon may claim to serve, but he actually makes sure to rig the NW's Lord Commander election, insults Tyrion,He didn't rig the election, though he did encourage Sam to get into the politicking. Aemon is a wise, humble and capable man.

Daenerys sense of entitlement can be excused by her youth, but Aemon should know better. They keep them close on their person, or hide them well.Although the Conclave puts effort into demonstrating their consideration of ability before birth, this is only a pretense as is not usually the case in its final choice for Grand Maester.More than forty men have served the Iron Throne as Grand Maester.Novices and acolytes are educated together. It is again embarrassingly myopic for such a supposedly smart man. No one is prepared for them.- A vow makes no sense without honor, and love can indeed break a man's honor so he fails his duty. That being said, even if he witnessed it, it was probalbly based on Rhaegar's feelings, who's reaaaaally sensitive.I think that is an interesting though, what if Aemon would have just been a maester, and eventually became the Grand Maester. He believed he was a potential liability to his brother Egg if his career remained in the political arena, so he bowed out. The Latest News. (Spoilers ahead!!!). Yet now we know BR is tutoring Bran in a tree, and pretending to be Jon's pet raven.I don't think it's right to expect Aemon to be able to accurately predict the future about who will or won't be a good king. After all, he is wise, good, honorable, altruistic and so on, one of the few men in the books that possess so many qualities. But, nevertheless, I feel …

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Maester Aemon ASoIaF

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Maester Aemon ASoIaF