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biggest bass caught in canada

When it came time to fill the largemouth bass record, they entered Mr. Perry's contest-winning fish. Zimmerlee adamantly denied the allegations.

You live in the best county in the world to do it at. It was the biggest bass they've ever heard of by a long shot. In 2009, however, a Japanese angler stamped his name in the books alongside Perry's with a mega-bass of his own.Now the question is, who will step up and establish the new world record largemouth?It's unknown whether or not a largemouth bass can naturally grow beyond the 22-pound mark. 28.00". July 05, 2017 20.5" Smallmouth Bass from the Kawartha Lakes! New Manitoba records are based on fish length. But that doesn't mean you should stop trying to hook into a record breaker. Some people are just born fishy...Technically, Mr. Perry's bass is still the world record holder. As an angler that has spent a lot of time on the water chasing big bass, that claim seems even more outlandish than an angler catching a bass that big by traditional means. Luckily, Mr. Perry was told about a big fish contest that Field & Stream magazine was running. July 08, 2017 21" Largemouth Bass from Georgian Bay! Wolf Lake.

Rating They're looking for the biggest payoff for the least amount of energy exerted. Adding to the intrigue, and allowing for even more creative theories was that DeFresco worked at the lake’s concession at the time of the catch. July 12, 2017 36" Walleye from Lake Kashagawigamog! We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Only in the last decade has the record been challenged. * – Dave Zimmerlee’s catch was officially recognized as the state record at the time it was caught, which is why it is listed here. After all, if you want a shot at the world record, or even a state record, you need all the help you can get. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. And of those, five were caught at Miramar Lake. ** – Johnny Garduno’s catch fell under similar scrutiny as Zimmerlee’s. The monstrous bass “originally” weighed 21 lbs 10 oz at the time it was officially weighed, which was a little more than a half-pound short of the world record at the time, but would have been a new state record catch. In San Diego, the dream of catching the world record bass can become a reality on any cast.Any list of the top bass catches of all time is going to have asterisks, even George Perry’s 22.25 pound bass that stood as the world record for 77 years didn’t necessarily have resounding proof as a product of the era in which it was caught. Witnesses came forward claiming that Garduno used a net to catch his 20 lb 4 oz bass as it swiped at a stringer of trout. Coincidentally, Mr. Perry won the same big fish contest again that year with a 13 pound 14-ounce bass. was developed to recognize the largest fish angled legally from Ontario public waters.

But most importantly, the fish was documented in print—claiming its rightful place in history as the biggest largemouth bass ever caught.Two years later, Field & Stream began officially certifying world records. Again, in any case, the bass was as big as claimed and verified. Your persistence and discipline will pay off.The adage "bigger baits catch bigger fish" holds true when chasing the biggest largemouth. Atlantic Canada Northern Canada Submit your fish Certificate Rules and Regulations ... Other: Caught from dock, float at about 5 feet. Witnesses came forward claiming that Garduno used a net to catch his 20 lb 4 oz bass as it swiped at a stringer of trout. If you want to move beyond frying pan-sized bass, here are a few tips to help:Catching trophy-class bass is an entirely different game than catching schoolies. Don't be afraid to go big.The biggest bass are survivors. Find the thickest, nastiest side-channels or bays, suck it up, and get in there.To give you an extra advantage, the Icon is available in Kryptek camouflage which will help break up your outline above water to minimize the risk of being spotted by the fish.

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biggest bass caught in canada

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biggest bass caught in canada