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do pike eat ducks

can a pike eat a duck? September 7, 2012 We’ve all heard the stories—pike or muskie chomping down on loons, small ducks or, shudder, kittens. They will eat anything swimming across the water such as snakes, mice, ducks, baby beavers, muskrat and any other critter they can fit in their mouths. Back in 1989 I was working for a fly-in lodge in Northwestern Ontario and we saw a 15-pound Northern Pike torpedo itself into shore where it slid up sideways on a smooth rock and took a baby seagull. no...really, its a serious question. He shook his head like an alligator a few times and then slowly turned around and swam back into the deep current. Biologists have found that pike occasionally consume small waterfowl and mice (see “Do pike eat ducklings?” on page 39). Had never seen Duck infanticide … I remember one 10-pounder that launched from 10 feet away and hit my surface plug on its downward arc. Watch the video to find out: Pike will load up in specific spots in the grass, so pay attention to the areas you catch them in, and try to find other areas that look similar – the pike will likely be there as well. Use high-visibility colors like white, chartreuse, and bright orange. 3. Use Gaudy Colors. We'll assume you're ok with this. If I caught that on video I'd be rich. He swam around in 4-foot water over smooth rocks looking like he was just enjoying the sun. They will eat anything swimming across the water such as snakes, mice, ducks, baby beavers, muskrat and any other critter they can fit in their mouths. Pike are visual feeders, and tend to be attracted to bright colors. My friend Mike caught this Northern Pike and when he cleaned it he found this baby duck in its stomach. While observing ducks saw a duck swimming around with a duckling in his mouth. He eventually swallowed it whole. Then faster than you could move your neck or eyes he bulleted into the shallows and hammered this duck. It was a spectacular thing to see and just one of the many spectacles of nature I have seen while working in Ontario's far north. Feeling sorry for the duckling? But do pike eat ducks? Back in 1996 I was Walleye fishing off the dam in Bobcaygeon, Ontario when we observed a huge Musky come out of the deep current. Pike are reported to attack ducks and especially smaller ducklings, which are more bite-size. We have caught Northern Pike with Muskrat tails hanging out their mouths.
We have caught Northern Pike with Muskrat tails hanging out their mouths. I asked one of the instructors and he said that it was a duck femur which are left when the pike eat the ducks.

Check out this video of a family of ducks attempting to swim past a pike. Don’t worry – the otter will get him…James Green loves nothing more than casting a fly in pursuit of salmon, seatrout or, when the opportunity arises, a tailing bonefish, tarpon or permit.Drowning Worms is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliatesWe use cookies to improve your experience. However, it’s rare that you actually see evidence.

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do pike eat ducks

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