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panther grouper feeding

Feeding and behaviour. The fins are large and graceful (see pictures). Be insistent, but patient. It can however be recommended to beginners with a large enough tank to house it. The silversides you are using{lance fish} is also ok, but they really foul the water. Feeding Panther Grouper. Ideal conditions for the Polka dot grouper (Panther grouper) is pH 8.1-8.4, salinity 1.022-1.025, and temperature 75-78ºF (24-26°C).The Panther or Polka dot grouper is a prefatory fish that will eat anything that fits into its mouth. Or you can soak the food in a little tank water, with fresh sliced garlic. They can be kept with most fish species that are large enough not to be eaten. They are always hungry.Next to nothing is known about breeding and sexing the Panther grouper. The food floats ontop, and my fish likes hanging out at the bottom... Im worried that he isnt eating, as im just having to take the food out, so it doesnt just sit.... any ideas???? It inhabits a depth of 0–130 ft / 0-40 m and is an appreciated food fish throughout most of is native range. The diet of this grouper is based on small fishes and crustaceans. ?, i'm guessing "lance fish" are just saltwater feeder fish of some sort.. well if i am correct about that, then yes, put them in warm water for a couple minutes, not only will they sink to him, but when an animal eats frozen food they eat it, then it thaws in their stomache which can injure them.ya know, the damn label said not to thaw in water, and i thought that was wierd...At work, we have a 225 gallon tank in our waiting room/lobby and we have a panther grouper. He will ONLY eat krill and it MUST be the pieces that look like a whole krill... with the eyes still on it. Large adult specimens often have a little duller coloration with gray areas but are still very beautiful. The Panther grouper originates from the eastern Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean and can be found from southern Japan in the north to southern Queensland, Australia in the south. You will recive better responses particular to your situation. Also, the panther grouper is a messy eater and copious waste producer, so efficient filtration, oversized protein skimming, and frequent water changes are a must. The Panther grouper needs a large aquarium do to its large size. Environment specifics [edit | edit source] Together, the body shape and coloration serves as camouflage.The Panther grouper is very popular and periodically available; if you have patience it shouldn't be hard to find this species for sale sooner or later. A good diet can be based around frozen shrimp, crab and mussel meat (can be bought in the grocery store) that is complemented with other live and frozen food. I got a Panther Grouper for my 55 gal. This fish should be feed a varied high protein diet. Its feeding activity is maximal at sunrise and/or at sunset.

I have a panther grouper that I have had 8 months , for the past 5 days he has been in his cave and wont come out .his two front fins move but his rear end wont.. Get a feeding stick and purchase some fresh seafood from the grocer. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. They prefer an aquarium with suitable sized hiding places in caves and overhangs as well a lot of open space to swim in. Try to keep the water quality high and stable even if this fish is very tolerant (in comparison with most other In the wild, this species swims along the reefs hunting for pray and you should keep this in mind when decorating your aquarium.

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panther grouper feeding

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panther grouper feeding