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photodisintegration energy range

B: Solid State, Phys.

A, Phys. The photodisintegration of the deuteron in the mediumenergy range is investigated by using an exact multipole expansion. (auth) C, and Phys.
For some reason the total cross sections seem to fit the experimental data fairly well at energies higher than 400 Mev when only the electric transitions are taken into account. F1.B Nuclear Physics 15 (1960) 60-71;orth-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam Not to be reproduced by photoprint or microfilm without written permission from the publisher DEUTERON PHOTODISINTEGRATION AND P-WAVE PHASE SHIFTS IN THE MEDIUM ENERGY RANGE GUSTAV KRAMER Institut fir theoretische Physik der Universit Heidelberg Received 8 October 1969 Abstract: … The study of the photodisintegration can in principle give information concerning the deuteron, the final continuum states and the interaction mechanism. Check out Britannica's new site for parents! Changing the D-state probability from 5 to 3% and the hard core radius from 0.43 fm to 0 reduces the cross sections by an amount exceeding the experimental uncertainies. However, the total cross sections including magnetic transitions are about four times the experimental data at 800 Mev. A, Phys. Photodisintegration of the Deuteron in the High Energy Range Photodisintegration of the Deuteron in the High Energy Range.

Download Citation | Deuteron photodisintegration in the GeV range | Recoil proton polarization was measured in deuteron photodisintegration at θcm = 90° for photon energies up to 2.4 GeV. The photodisintegration of the deuteron is calculated for the two gamma -ray energies in the laboratory of 52.3 and 77.3 Mev, which corresponds to nucleon-nucleon scattering in the laboratory of 100 Mev and 150 Mev.

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Search Britannica Rev. The numerical results show that the long-wavelength approximation is satisfactory in this energy range.

…bubble in what is called photodisintegration. The nucleus splits to form lighter elements, releasing a neutron, proton or alpha particle in the process.. During the core-collapse of a supernova, photodisintegration undoes hundreds of thousands of years of nuclear fusion by splitting the iron nuclei into helium nuclei and neutrons. History at your fingertips Login The photodisintegration of the deuteron in the medium energy range is dominated by the electric dipole transitions. C, and Phys.

Photodisintegration is calculated at laboratory photon energies of 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, and 140 Mev, and n-p capture of laboratory neutron energies of 0.1 and 0.548 Mev. A comparison with the experimentsThe photodisintegration of the deuteron is calculated for gamma -ray energies in the laboratory at 9.23 to 152.4 Mev. The terms which reduce to the anisotropic terms in the electric dipole approximation give angular distributions which are shifted forward from sin/sup 2/ theta but which tend to flatten out with increasing energy.

The coupling of the scattered waves is taken into account and the retardation effects and all dipole and quadrupole transitions are included.

It was found that spin E1 and spin M2 transitions to triplet states, usually omitted, are important. Rev. It is then shown that the angular dependence of those terms which are simply isotropic in the electric dipole approximation is givenA nonrelativistic, phenomenological treatment of deuteron photodisintegration and radiative n-p capture is presented. Special attention is given to the range 9.23 to 77.3 Mev, corresponding to nucleon-nucleon scattering in the laboratory from 14 to 150 Mev. Photodisintegration of the Deuteron near 11 Mev Photodisintegration of the Deuteron near 11 Mev.

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photodisintegration energy range

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photodisintegration energy range