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retiarius gladiator weapons

Nor does he conceal his face beneath a helmet. The gladius sword was standard Roman military issue and was a straight broad sword typically used for thrusting attacks.

Rete: A weighted net used to trap opponents. The length of the trident enabled the retiarii to keep distance, jabbing and prodding from long range. Rather than being able to deal a killing blow, the purpose of the retiarii net was simply to ensnare their foes. The retiarius gladiator was one of the most recognisable fighters of the ancient roman Colosseum. The name of the retiarius gladiator was literally translated in Latin as ‘net fighter’, and this gladiator did indeed fight with a net and a trident. Pugio: A dagger. Manica and galerus: Two guards to protect the arm and shoulder, respectively. Roman gladiators fell into stock categories modelled on real-world precedents. Some would say that the net itself was a form of defence or armour, but in the traditional sense the retiarius was the most lightly armoured gladiator in Rome.With no helmet or shield, the only armour of a retarius was their manica, an arm guard typically worn on their right arm. Weapons of the retiarius The primary weapon of the retiarius gladiator was possibly one of the most unique of all the gladiators, the trident. 3. See! We can not mistake the tunic, since the ribbon of gold reaches from his neck, and flutters in the breeze from his high-peaked cap.

And this disgrace of the city you have as well—Gracchus not fighting as equipped as a Mirmillo, with buckler or falchion (for he condemns—yes, condemns and hates such equipment). The light armour allowed them quick movement, as they wore no helmet their vision was clear and allowed for head movement in a way many other gladiators couldn’t mimic. Should the retarius successfully ensnare their foe, you can probably imagine their elation, they would finally have a chance to bring down the three points of their trident in vicious manner.Overall the retarius was likely one of the most skilled gladiator fighters, their weapons were not standard and they likely spend many hours honing their craft to increase their chances of survival in the Colosseum. Once trapped or entangled the retairius could use the trident without fear of a counter attack and try to end their foe.With one hand holding the trident, and one baring the net, the retiarii was what you might call lightly armoured. 1. There is evidence that those net-men wearing tunics, known as So even the lanista's establishment is better ordered than yours, for he separates the vile from the decent, and sequesters even from their fellow-

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retiarius gladiator weapons

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retiarius gladiator weapons